These are a couple of lists of coxswain calls. The best calls you can make are the ones that your boat understands, or even came up with together. Here are some examples to get the ideas flowing:
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let's fly
I want it, you want it, let's get it
go. for. gold
we own them. period.
no mercy today
we leave nothing for them
starving for more
hungry for more
we need ___ NOW
make it painful for them
no regrets
we're doing it for _______
hunt them down
drop them
shoot the knees
we are unstoppable
lights out
embarrass them
explode out
dig deep
let's catch some fire
empty the tank
pedal to the metal
hammer it
go animal
let's prove what we got
represent ______
our strokes, our time, our race
we own this
they can't touch us
bend the oar
break the rigger
hook, reel, end it
freight train
throw it
make it look easy
shut them down
hit the legs
haul it
crank it
mow them down
crank it
Aggression calls
bow pair, you're gonna get us over the line
bow pair, over the line to gold, lets go
3 and 4, you lead bow 4... HERE
3 and 4, be the glue between bow and stern
middle 4, 5 for you
middle 4, our powerhouse (our engine), you're gonna get us 1 seat or 1 second
5 and 6, you translate stern's tempo
5 and 6 you lead bow 6 here
stern pair, you set that rhythm
end pairs, 5 for you
end pairs we are one boat, one rhythm​
seat specific