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Oftentimes, it's the technical advice can make the most difference. How the boat feels and where it can improve usually correlates to technique. These are a few technical call ideas and where they're focused... as well as a bit of info about the stroke

click to view calls:

rower at the catch clipart illustration

the catch:

Blade enters the water at the catch

  • legs 90˚ to bottom of boat a.k.a vertical

  • arms extended, not tight

  • inside shoulder leans slightly into the rigger

  • outside hand a bit further out than inside hand due to lateral rotation around the pin

  • heels hover off the foot stretchers 

the drive:

rower in the drive clipart illustration

Blade is in the water, rower is sliding from stern to bow

  • legs then bodies then arms

    • legs = ~70% of the power​

    • body = ~20% of the power

    • arms = ~10% of the arms

  • lats and core engaged for swing, not the shoulders​

  • bodies swing from around 1 o'clock to 11 o'clock

the finish:

rower at the finish clipart illustration

Blade is ready to come out of the water

  • body is around 11 o'clock 

    • core is squeezed to hold position​

    • back is tall and relaxed

  • legs extended with heels pressed against the footplate

  • handle is mid ribs / sports bra

  • elbow at about the same height as the handle​

  • at the release (blade out),  the blade should not be feathered

the recovery:

rower in the recovery clipart illustration

Blade is off the water moving bow to stern

  • arms then body then legs move towards the stern

  • hands clear the knees (legs don't move yet) as the upper body pivots over the hips

  • quiet slide — loud recovery tracks indicate rush

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